Saturday, June 7, 2008

Yard Sale!!

So, I finally got to go yard saling today... I love yard saling, but Hubby, not so much. So he went to the Newport Chowderfest, so I picked my mom and headed out. It was going slow, but we were looking for a posted yard sale and came across a random one. Sometimes those are the BEST!
I had been unofficially yard saling once this year, because a friend at work had a little tikes house her daughter outgrew and I bought it while she was having a yard sale. BUT I was supposed to come by last summer to pick up... oops. Did I mention I am a procrastinator?

Ok - forget it, none of this matters!! I have to show you what I found...
Isn't it great?!? The desk and chair are both adjustable and Phoebe and Payton LOVE them!! I'm going to sand them down and refinish them, but we are definitely looking forward to the kids getting lots of use out of this set!! Can you tell I'm excited.... hehe :o) Oh and the best part - it was only $25. I tried to get it cheaper, but wasn't going to walk away. Anyway, that was my find. Have a good one!

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